Mail Bag! Finding Flynn in Tasmania!

28 Jan

From the Mail Bag!

Hi David,
Hope your well? I wrote to you some time ago and you kindly replied. I’m Errol Flynn’s second cousin living in Sydney. I was recently in Oatlands Tasmania and went into the TKO bakery for a curried scallop pie and discovered it was full of Errol Flynn memorabilia. Thought you might like to advise blog members in case they come down under.Regards,
Steve Russell

Thanks, Steve!

— David DeWitt


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    January 30, 2017 at 10:00 am

    Thank you, Steve. Very cool and great of you to share these Flynntastic photos with us!

    Wish I was camped out in Tasmanland right now, having a capptainbloodaccino and ciaoing down with the wonderful people down under.


  2. rswilltell

    January 30, 2017 at 2:01 pm

    Thank you Steve Russell for uncovering about the only shrine to Errol Flynn in the world. Thanks to the owenrs for honoring Errol. Ralph Schiller

    • Sergio

      January 30, 2017 at 2:53 pm

      Wow Steve that is very cool…

      Would love to stop in the TKO one day for a piece of Iced Vovo Cake…

      GT here is your next story….
      I bet yo could make a bloody good show of it o’l sport…They seem to have all the cameras you need hanging and waiting for you.

  3. shangheinz

    February 1, 2017 at 8:17 am


    Thanks mate for granting us a glimpse at Errol`s Coffee & Dreams. Another sight to see when in Tasmania is Mount Wellington with a wide view on Hobart down below. One day, my friend…

  4. Julie C

    March 6, 2017 at 1:09 am

    Hi Steve Russell,

    I’m an Errol Flynn fan, and researcher, from Sydney. You mentioned in your comment here that Errol Flynn was your second cousin. I’m especially interested in piecing together his early life in Sydney, and family connections, and I’m wondering if you’d be interested in getting in touch. I’d like to know where you fit in to the family, and any family information you have – no matter how small. It all helps!


  5. kentisherrol

    February 27, 2020 at 7:45 am

    Hi Everyone, my name is Leighton and I own the Kentish Hotel TKO Bakery in Oatlands, as many of you would be aware we have proudly adorned our walls of the bakery with every one of Errol’s movie’s posters along with a ton of candid photos as well. This week is our last week operating the Hotel and bakery as we have leased the building to new owners (lease then purchase early next year) and they confirm they will be removing all this memorabilia. I’m trying to get in contact with the Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania but I cannot locate a phone number and I believe their posted email addresses are outdated. It would be a shame to have these photos inmy shed indefinitely or worse!! please pass on this message if able, cheers L.

    • Gentleman Tim

      March 1, 2020 at 1:39 am

      Hi Leighton. What a Flynntastic place your TKO Bakey Cafe is! A real knock out.

      I believe the Errol Flynn Society of Tasmania was created and spearheaded by Steve and Genene Randell from Hobart. They are Authors on this blog, known as “tassie devil”. Perhaps you can contact through either info available on the blog, or via our EFB blog-master, David D. (I do have an email or two from Steve going back a couple of years, but I’m not sure if it’s the one you refer to, nor do I have permission to publish it.)…

      Hopefully, Steve and Genene are reading. They have done absolutely tremendous things for Errol. For example:

      Errol Flynn Centenary in Hobart, Tasmania…