Outliving Flynn by George Thomas Clark!

19 Aug

Review –…

“Clark has a sense of dialogue, capturing how real people talk, and an eye for lives caught in sharp focus.” —…

work of a consummate professional Clark charts his characters in the
manner of Nathaniel West, in unsparing, graphic detail.” — The Blackboard February 2005

“Well written stories that deal with real life emotions of the characters and hold the reader's attention.” — Book Review Cafe

Product Description

The stories in OUTLIVING FLYNN are about men and women in love and
turmoil, about people struggling with alcoholism and drug addiction,
about lost friendship, unscrupulous salespeople, a family beset by
generations of cancer, a woman trapped by old customs and mental
illness, extraterrestrial beings dominating the earth, and about Martin
Stevens, an actor who looks like Errol Flynn and tries to be like him.

These stories are about people on the edge.

— David DeWitt


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  1. Anonymous

    August 19, 2011 at 9:05 pm

    Hi David;
    Is this a second book by George Thomas Clark with new short stories or is this the same book just different cover?

    I purchased the book but I did not find one story in it relating to Errol. I suppose he is using Errol's tragic life moment “Outliving Flynn” to sell his stories which are about people in their ebb of life as Errol was. I can see a connection there.

  2. Anonymous

    August 20, 2011 at 1:59 am

    Same book, different cover. There is supposed to be a character like Errol in this collection? Hmmm. Interesting that it relies so heavily on his image to sell the stories!

  3. Anonymous

    August 20, 2011 at 5:48 am

    Ha, Tina, if we had know David's cover before, we could have saved ourselves the work on the picture ;-)

  4. Anonymous

    August 20, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    Ha – is right!

    We did a great Job!

  5. Anonymous

    August 20, 2011 at 6:51 pm

    Inga – one more – Ha – is right – for you! A little cut and paste!
    Isn't he lovely – great drawing! I wonder who drew it!

  6. Anonymous

    August 20, 2011 at 8:09 pm

    I still like this version best…

  7. Anonymous

    August 27, 2011 at 8:22 pm

    I have recently gotten the book and it is very interesting what I have read so far.

  8. Anonymous

    August 27, 2011 at 9:11 pm

    Hi EFlynnFan09;
    What I don't understand is that any of George Thomas Clark stories have nothing to do with Errol Flynn, except that there is a common tragedy or sadness involved in the stories. Is that enough to sell the book? Is it the tragedies that Errol had to suffer to use his picture and or title “Outliving Flynn”, to justify the the picture and title? Or is it to sell the book because he had the name that sells the book? Using his name for profit? Using his name because there is an everlasting curiosity about him? Is it false advertising? Is it sad that he is taken advantage of in so many avenues by people to make a living or as they call it “a fast buck?”
    On the other hand one has to consider that there is a positive aspect in all of it – it keeps the name of “Errol Flynn” alive for future generations to learn, to see and know about the icon “Errol Flynn” he really was!
    Let's face it how many people are as fortunate to be out there in the public eye for 52 years after their passing? Everything – not so good at the first glance may have still a “Silver Lining!”
    Never say it's over until it's over!

  9. Anonymous

    August 29, 2011 at 1:01 am

    I agree with u Tina completely. Errol will be in the public eye whether it is in books, films, songs about him, or radio programs.

  10. Anonymous

    August 29, 2011 at 3:14 pm

    Thanks EFlynnFan09!
    I would like to come back in 100 or 150 years to see if his name, his pictures, the articles, his DVD's, anything about him is still on the Internet? Or if “GOOGLE” would design their logo as they do for famous people i.e. “Movie Icon Errol Flynn 200th Birthday”
    Sure would be fun!

  11. Anonymous

    August 29, 2011 at 4:25 pm

    That would be cool to see that in 200 years from now.