Mail Bag! Cecil Jones Hollywood Collection Errol Flynn Calling Card Plate!

02 Apr

From our Mail Bag come this from Cecil Jones:

Some years ago I obtained a box of Errol Flynn’s personal papers from storage and the only item I kept was the copper plate for making his calling card. I toyed with the idea of making the back of my business card to be that of Errol Flynn’s calling card but never did. Possibly you could inform those interested that the printing plate will be offered by Profiles In History at their Hollywood auction in late May to mid-June time frame.

The auction catalogue is not out yet but I have attached the pre-catalogue below for all of my Flynn items (see below) for those interested.

The copper plate is something the true Flynn collector could use as well as enjoy as it was Flynn’s personal property and was used to make his calling card.

The following link is to the Profiles In History website and shows the upcoming Hollywood auction highlighting a few items from my collection. The entire auction should be available within the next month including all of the Flynn items below.

The link to the “Cecil Jones Hollywood Collection

Thank you,
Cecil Jones

Thanks Cecil, we look forward to this!

— David DeWitt


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