Eighty Years Ago – 4/6/1937 – “Urban”/Livvie

07 Apr

“Urban”/Livvie at its finest.

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll – April 6, 1937

At the time of the Madrid incident–when a machine gun bullet creased his
forehead–Errol Flynn is supposed to have been accompanied by Dr. Harmine
F. Urban (sic), expert in tropical diseases. If so, it was not the first time
the two had been in a tight spot together. They were once ambushed by natives
on the Sepia (sic) River in New Guinea and it was motion pictures taken of Flynn
in this fight that won him his first screen test and role in the British picture,
In the Wake of the Bounty.

Olivia De Havilland, who was Flynn’s screen sweetheart in Captain Blood and The Charge
of the Light Brigade
was driving down Hollywood Boulevard when she saw headlines about
his being shot.

She told me yesterday: “I nearly ran into a street car.”

— Tim


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