Long ago but not far away (in a seaside hamlet known as
Palm Beach) there dwelled a family of great size and prominence
known as the Munns. The Munns clan was comprised of a
“cornucopia of cousins” with last names like Astor, Biddle,
Drexel, Pulitzer, Renssalaer, Spreckels, Vanderbilt and Wanamaker. (One of the renown Munn cousins was a nun, none other than St. Katherine Drexel.)
The link, info and imagery below include a wealth of Munn shots
and multiple Munn mansions.
One of the illustrious Munns was Countess de Munn,
and this brief story below is one of her most Flynntastic,
written by the legendary Lloyd Pantages.
Lloyd Pantages – Los Angeles Examiner I Cover – May 27, 1936
The Countess De Munn started out to Hollywood
with a South American wildcat as a present for
ERROL FLYNN, but while walking it on the deck
of her yacht the kitty jumped overboard and SANK.
So FLYNNSIE is minus a zoo at the moment.
— Tim
Gentleman Tim
May 21, 2017 at 8:23 pm
Here’s the little theater Lloyd helped run when he wasn’t broadcasting on the B.S. radio network: