How Did I Miss This?

13 Oct

BARON OF HAVANA, about Errol Flynn's Wartime Adventures with Fidel Castro, to be table-read at Sundance.

by Terry Keefe

Alex and I are both filmmakers, we rarely mention our own material on
the site. This time is a noted exception, because Alex has had his
terrific screenplay, BARON OF HAVANA, selected to be table-read at the
Sundance Film Festival. Noted news.

The script tells the true
story of the later years of the legendary Errol Flynn, when he took a
much-needed job as a celebrity journalist that landed him in the middle
of the Cuban Revolution, where he was embedded for a time with Fidel
Castro and Che Guevara. The leads are very strong roles and I'm going to
throw in my dream casting of Hugh Jackman or Pierce Brosnan for Flynn,
Javier Bardem as Castro, and Benjamin Bratt as Che.

HAVANA has previously won Best Screenplay at the Cinequest Film
Festival, and has been a finalist in this year's Creative World Awards,
and just placed in the top three features of the Creative Screenwriting
Magazine's AAA Screenplay Contest, in addition to winning a total of six
awards in the past year.

Here are the deets: The reading will be
held at the Waldorf-Astoria, in Parley's Boardroom, in Park City, on
Sunday, January 23rd, between 1-4 PM. Alex Simon can be contacted at

More information can be found at…

They were the Grand Prize Winner!

— David DeWitt


Posted in Main Page


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  1. Anonymous

    October 13, 2011 at 1:27 am

    Hi David;
    This is fantastic! Can one purchase this screenplay too? I went to the website, but it does not operate very well.
    Any thoughts of yours for help?

  2. Anonymous

    October 13, 2011 at 1:40 am

    It may be possible to contact the writers directly? Have not tried that, yet!

  3. Anonymous

    October 13, 2011 at 5:08 pm

    The gang at that event will probably be more enthralled with Castro than Flynn.

  4. Anonymous

    October 14, 2011 at 7:24 am

    Hi Tina,
    Thanks for the kind words. Afraid I can't send you a copy at this point, as the script will soon be “making the rounds” in Hollywood, and my reps would kill me dead if they found I sent the script to someone I don't know.
    I do promise to keep the blog apprised of any developments, however. This is a tremendous site, and the most comprehensive one I've seen thus far on our favorite actor.
    Thanks again,
    Alex Simon

  5. Anonymous

    October 14, 2011 at 2:58 pm

    Hi Alex;
    Thank you for your reply and I hope you stay tuned with us here on the blog and I have to agree with you it is a wonderful site to remember our hero.
    Please do not forget to let us know when the script will be available for purchase, really important at least to me. In addition, I love your choice of Errol's cover picture! This picture was taken on November 13, 1943 at Mulholland House with a prized possession of his – the Zebra skin – this time hanging on the wall behind him.
    The best of luck and success to you with the script!