Errol’s third home until age ten! 1917-1919

25 Oct

I wanted to edit my post and lost all the information – I am sorry for the loss –  and now I have to recreate it all!

Theodor purchased this home in 1917 and lived there until 1919, the street’s name was then called Holebrook Place but today’s address is 296 Davey Street. At this time it appears that Errol was enrolled partly in Hutchins School, Sandy Bay and Battery Point Model School.
Errol at Hutchins School 1916 and 1917!
The Hutchins School was established in 1846 at Hobart in memory of The Venerable William Hutchins, first Archdeacon of Van Diemen’s Land.  It has a proud history as one of Australia’s oldest private schools for boys, with alumni distinguished in all fields of endeavour – including judges, bishops, leaders of industry, military heroes, musicians, artists, sportsmen and
our Star – Errol Flynn!

Battery Point Model School …… on Albuera Street 1918 and 1919!
Actually there is some incorrect information around about this school, which is as follows:
Errol actually never went to the Battery Point Model School as the Model School was converted into the “Albuera Street State School”. Two different addresses!  The Model School existed in Battery Point from August 1883 to August 1913 it outgrew itself being designed for only 450
students, yet had risen to 922 and
the need for a new
building had become obvious, which became the
Albuera Street State School and in which Errol was enrolled in February 1918 and stayed to 1919.

Many authors claim that Errol was expelled from all schools, I think this is not an accurate statement. In defense of Errol I would say his parents moved very frequently and with it changed Errol’s schools maybe too.

— Tina


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  1. Anonymous

    October 25, 2011 at 3:23 am

    yup that is true. Errol was constantly roaming and never stopped.

  2. Anonymous

    January 1, 2012 at 9:48 am

    You mentioned, as most do, that Errol was expelled from all these schools. However our own research has shown that the records do not show him as expelled but, you might say, removed. The population of Hobart was only twenty thousand at the time and TT was well respected so they would contact him and suggest that Errol would be better off removed from the school. A gentlemen's agreement!!

  3. Anonymous

    January 2, 2012 at 7:40 pm

    Hi Steve, good to hear from you!
    In answer – not quite – I put it in a doubting way with question mark. I am quite sure that Errol was not expelled of EVERY school! His parents sure move a lot and that must have had something to do with his changing schools so often, but then on the other hand you are right a famous father helps a lot! Dealing with a well respected member of the community Errol must have received some advantages due to father's fame.
    Thanks Steve for your input!

  4. Anonymous

    January 13, 2012 at 6:47 am

    In regards to the Model School, it is a separate school from Albuera St School. Our research shows that Errol attended the model school and when it closed all the students moved the furniture and books around the corner to Albuera St marching along the footpath.

  5. Anonymous

    January 14, 2012 at 6:15 am

    Hi Steve;
    Thank you for this information, which is great!
    The Model School website I found which states the year was 1915 when Model School moved and became Alubera Street School must be wrong as so many things one finds on the Internet are never to be taken as gospel!
    Thanks so much for keeping track, very appreciated!

    • Dave

      October 10, 2012 at 12:10 pm

      The school in Albuera Street has a foundation stone dated 1913 but information in digitised newspapers on Trove prove that the school did not open until part way through 1914. The model school building was still used by the school for some subjects such as manual arts for many years after the move as it was only a short walk away. Summing up, he did attend the Albuera Street School but most liekly spent some time in classes in the model school (which in turn replaced an earlier model school in another location in Battery Point.

      • Tina

        The Real Person!

        Author Tina acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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        October 24, 2012 at 5:14 am

        Hi Dave;
        Thank you very much for your information, which is most interesting, but do you think you could clarify your statements a little more fin details for us to understand the system used in those years. Your statement : (which in turn replaced an earlier model school in another location in Battery Point? Could you please embellish this sentence more clearly for us to understand? You say he did go to go to Albuera Street school, yet he did not? What was the other location?
        Please could you inform us.

        • Dave

          November 29, 2013 at 2:52 am

          Tina, Since posting this I have found out quite a bit more. The first school in Battery Point was in a building near St George’s Church but probably later demolished. It was originally run by the church but around 1860 it got funding from the government and was then renamed the Battery Point Public School. This school was replaced by the school on the corner of Hampden and Sandy Bay Roads in 1883 but it was still known as the Battery Point Public School. An Act of Parliament in 1885 meant that all Public Schools became known as State Schools in 1886 and the school became the Battery Point State School but still in the 1883 building. In 1887 a Model School was established in part of this building. Model schools were used for training teachers. At a later, yet to be determined date, the whole school became known as the Battery Point Model School. The foundation stone for the Albuera Street school was laid in 1913 and pupils moved there in late May/early June 1914. It officially opened in July 1914. The Model School building was retained in government hands and at some later stages was used for classes at the Albuera Street School when required. I am not sure if it was used for this puprose while Errol was there though. That needs further research. I am wondering whether Errol actually attended in 1917 and 1918 rather than 1918/19 as I have the records for those first enrolled in 1918 and he does not appear. I will be looking at the earlier enrolments next week and will let you know.