“Into the Star Horizon”

07 Jul

February 10, 1936
Los Angeles Evening Herald Express – Harrison Carroll

The Warner Bros fan mail dept is swamped by requests for pictures of Errol Flynn.
More than 15,000 were sent out in the month of January.

February 14, 1936
Los Angeles Examiner – Hollywood Parade – Lloyd Pantages

Since Errol Flynn zoomed into the star horizon as Captain Blood, his fan mail has
increased to such a degree that Warners added two more mail clerks to their department.

— Tim


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  1. Jack Marino

    July 8, 2017 at 12:09 am


    I don’t think anyone in the history of Hollywood rose so far so fast to become a superstar. Errol came from nowhere, which has always fascinated me when I started to read about him in the mid 60s. Only the silent movie stars were bigger in their day because there was no language barriers. In the era of talkies Errol Flynn rose to a level of stardom that no one has even today. Can you imagine if the social media we have today was around in 1935? This is one of the many things that attracts him to us. Bung Ho !

    • Gentleman Tim

      July 8, 2017 at 4:57 pm

      That’s fascinating, Jack. I didn’t know that about the popularity of the Silent stars. I was recently reading a couple of news articles from the Thirties about Flynn, one in which it was said that he was regarded to have had the third best speaking voice among Hollywood star actors (behind Basil Rathbone and Leslie Howard) and a second in which Errol credits his time in New Guinea as a big help to his acting skills, because he had to communicate in “mime” with the natives.

      With Skype, cell phones, text, email, media everywhere, where would Flynn have hid from Lili and JW, and all the rest!?

      Here’s our young and fun Hollywood hero with a not-quite-as-young-or-fun, and not-so-silent, former star of the silents.


      And here’s Speaker No. 1 and Speaker No. 2:…