“Lazy as a Cyclone”

09 Sep

So said Mrs. Fleen about her peripatetic, force-of-nature husband.

As for Miss Dynamita, Errol reported: “We fought from the opening gong; so we got married.”

Here’s the Always Astonishing and Often True Life Story of Errol Flynn:…
(As Flynnmates around the globe know, the fully true life story is even more astonishing.)

— Tim


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  1. shangheinz

    The Real Person!

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    September 11, 2017 at 9:59 am


    You struck another goldmine, Gentleclaim Tim. This article can be seen as the source for many a Flynn legend. He clearly pitched Dr. Erben to the US public as a documentary filmmaker/photographer. Errol furthermore positioned himself as an Irish Olympian falling by the ringside to only another boxing olympiard, Eddie Eagan, who`s the only participant who won medals both at the Summer (boxing) and Winter Games (bobsleigh). The only bout they two may have had may have been a drinking one, since Eagan was the member of the Gold team of William Fiske, a very close friend of Freddie McEvoy. See:…

    • Gentleman Tim

      September 12, 2017 at 9:55 am

      Eagan, Errol, and McEvoy!!! – plus Billy “Tom Cruise” Fiske to boot! That is some Elite Research, olympicheinz!!!! Thank you for making all those connections for us!


      One: Eagan did have very notable history with Australia, having very prominently toured there as essentially the equivalent of a world champion during Errol’s days Down Under. So, Young Errol certainly knew (of) him early on.

      Two: Adding to his Aussie associatons, Eagan brought and guided Australia’s awesome Antony Madigan to the U.S, Madigan being one of the few boxers to fight Cassius Clay twice. (In fact, some believe Madigan actually beat Clay the first time, but was robbed by biased and/or bought-off judges, who were loudly booed when the decision was announced.

      Three: Unlike Flynnie, Eagan, Fiske and McEvoy never medaled in swimming, diving, and fencing!!! So, take that Eddie, Billy, and Freddie!!!…
