“Errol’s Claim to Fame”?

26 Sep

Lot’s of Fun on Cresta Run … But did “Fanatical Flynn” “Never Finish”?…

Or did he finish once?…

With the slowest time in history, after a stop for champagne?…

The Infamous “Horseshoe Curve”:

— Tim


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  1. shangheinz

    The Real Person!

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    September 26, 2017 at 6:12 pm


    Greg the Peckman was another competitor at the Cresta. As far as I know Errol did finish, quite respectably despite some delay at one of the curves, Tunnelvision Tim. He actually was trained by a British bobsleigher, whose name has to come back to me. More successful were the likes of Freddie McEvoy and Billy Fiske, who in the late 1930s the cream of the crop and the top of the slope in St. Moritz. Here`s Fiske`s last hoorah:…