“Tiger Lil”

02 Jan

As Rachel has not posted a quiz question yet I'll give it a try!

We all know that Errol called Lili Damita “Tiger Lil” – right!

Did Errol invented the name?
Or did something just triggered a memory?
Was there another “Tiger Lil” known to Errol?
If so, who was she?

Just so many Lily's in Errol's life!
Good guessing!

— Tina


Posted in QUIZ PAGE


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  1. Anonymous

    January 3, 2012 at 4:00 am

    Hi, Tina! As I remember it Errol nicknamed his first wife, “Tiger Lil”, but according to his autobiography, only mentioned the name behind her back! I believe there was a song called, “Tiger Lil” or “Tiger Lily”. (I know it is also a flower, but I think Errol was probably inspired by the song!”) I don't believe there was another “Tiger Lil” in his life. So how did I do?–A. R.

  2. Anonymous

    January 3, 2012 at 6:44 am

    Hi A.R.;
    Good to hear from you!
    I don't know the song Tiger Lili and I have Tiger Lilies in my garden, but I suggest to try again!
    Thanks for guessing and be on board!

  3. Anonymous

    January 3, 2012 at 7:07 pm

    Wasn't Dusty Miller's wife, Lillian known as 'Tiger Lil'?

  4. Anonymous

    January 3, 2012 at 7:30 pm

    Hi Brian;
    You are so clever – you got it! An extra point for fastness!
    Her name was Lillian Barclay Miller and correctly so she was Dusty Miller's wife. So obviously Errol knew the name from her. Did she had the same temperament as Lili Damita as Errol transferred the name to her is another question we do not have the answer for!
    Now it will be up to Rachel and you to place the next question!
    I look forward to it!