New Kid On the Lot

29 Dec

Quiz on a Questionnaire

Fresh from England in the Fall of 1934, Errol had his “first official” stateside interview. Conducted on Warner Brothers’ “Burbank campus” by Carlisle Jones, “dean of Hollywood press agents”, this debut interview revolved around answers Errol had recently provided on a WB publicity questionnaire. According to that questionnaire and interview:

1. Errol’s Schoolboy Ambition was:
a) To be a pirate
b) To be a movie star
c) nil

2. His Present Ambition was:
a) Success in movies
b) To meet Greta Garbo
c) To sail to Hawaii in his own yacht

3. His foremost interest aside from acting was:
a) Literature
b) Marrying a movie star
c) Big game hunting in Africa

4. He suppressed a desire to be a:
a) Biologist
b) Bartender
c) Pianist

5. If he failed at acting, he would:
a) Go to law school
b) Marry rich
c) Return to New Guinea as a gold prospector

6. He reported his dancing and singing talents as:
a) God-given
b) Better than average
c) Imperceptible

7. He identified his favorite city as:
a) Paris
b) London
c) Shanghai

8. Following his interview, Carlisle Jones escorted Errol to the Warner Brothers first-aid hospital to treat:
a) A fencing wound
b) A blister
c) A sudden malarial attack

9. The reason for his hospital visit was:
a) Olivia De Havilland
b) Pinch-toed shoes
c) The Sepik River

10. On the way to the Warner Brothers hospital, Errol asked Carlisle Jones:
a) What were the best bars in Hollywood to meet women?
b) Who were the best movie star tennis players in Hollywood?
c) Was Lili Damita married?

— Tim


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