In Praise Of Jamaica by George Meickel

26 Feb

I was on Friday by my dentist and wile waiting for my appointment I discovered a book on display titled “In Praise Of Jamaica” by George Meikle, subtitled “Celebrating 50 years of independence 1962 – 2012.”

Lo and behold Errol is in it on chapter 21 under “Famous Residents of Jamaica.”

It gave a caption which amazed me!  It quoted that Errol had written part of his MWWW at Ian Flemming’s “Goldeneye” cottage at St. Mary in Oracabessa.  I wonder if that is true but he should know living there?  In addition there is a very nice picture of Errol in the book I have never seen before.

Now, George Meikle lives in Jamaica, he is Canadian and is the brother of John Meikle a doctor who has his office at the same place then my dentist.  Small World? I could get in touch with him!  I am sure the office would give me his e-mail and I could ask him how he got the information about Errol and the Goleneye.  Maybe he would give me a copy of the picture too!  One never knows until we try!

It is a very nice book about Jamaica and I thought I share this little tidbit information with you.

— Tina


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  1. David DeWitt

    The Real Person!

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    February 27, 2012 at 7:22 am

    Small world indeed! This is excellent since I have a friend who is interested in Errol’s movements in Jamaica – and if Ian Flemming ever may have visited Errol’s Titchfield hotel which seem likely…

  2. Inga

    February 27, 2012 at 8:03 am

    Great find, Tina, really interesting! Good luck contacting the signore!