Mail Bag! Hotel Belmar: The Ghost Has the Key!

28 Nov
Thank you David:
I look forward to sharing your remembrances and tributes. I have finished my book Hotel Belmar: The Ghost Has the Key. … . After reading Errol’s book and Send in the Empty Horses by David Niven, while talking to locals who told of Errol’spresence here in the Belmar, the strange happenings in the area where his room was, and his colorful episodes on Ice Box Hill, I created a picture of him in front of the hotel with the shadow of Captain Blood, and retold his legend here in Mazatlan, Mexico. He was truly a remarkable man, in fact unforgettable. This is a work of fiction but all 11 ghosts that I tried to depict in “full bleed” black and white images have been reported here. Such a man as Errol is larger than life.
Thanks, Sue!

— David DeWitt


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  1. rswilltell

    The Real Person!

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    November 28, 2018 at 7:45 pm

    This novel sounds fascinating! I hope someone here at the blog reviews it! Thank-You Ms. S.K. Carnes! Ralph Schiller

  2. Gentleman Tim

    November 28, 2018 at 11:50 pm

    Congratulations and Thank You, Sue!! What a great achievement! I remember when you were working on this, kindly letting us all here know about your project and progress. That makes it extra-cool for us! As they might say in Mazatlan, Muchas Gracias!

    P.S. I hope your success is Stratospheric!

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