Supreme Failure

08 Jan

The Supreme Court cowardly rewards the greed-driven deceit of Ryan Murphy, FX, and all in the film industry who selfishly perpetuate such conduct.

Bravo, Olivia, for standing up against and exposing these self-serving frauds.

In the words of Olivia’s superb attorney, Suzelle Smith.

“We and Miss de Havilland are very disappointed that the U.S. Supreme Court passed on this opportunity to confirm that the 1st Amendment does not protect the publication of intentional lies in any medium, including so called docudramas,”

“The California Court of Appeal has turned the 1st Amendment upside down, and without doubt more harm to individuals and public deception will result. One day someone else who is wronged for the sake of Hollywood profits will have the courage to stand on the shoulders of Miss De Havilland and fight for the right to defend their good name and legacy against intentional, unconsented exploitation and falsehoods. Miss De Havilland hopes she will live to see the day when such justice is done.”

— Tim


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  1. rswilltell

    January 8, 2019 at 5:03 pm

    Did the U.S. Supreme Court decline to hear the case which makes lower court ruling stand? Ralph Schiller