Errol Flynn’s Contract for Robin Hood!

31 Jul

He was paid $50,000 … equal to about $890, 000 dollars in 2018 dollars!

— David DeWitt


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  1. shangheinz

    August 1, 2019 at 7:50 pm

    A steal then, a robbery by today‘s standard. The film itself priceless!

  2. Gentleman Tim

    August 3, 2019 at 9:39 am

    What a great find, David. Thank you. Today it would cost Flynn $50K minimum just to decipher that absurd contract. Old Warner Brothers headquarters (21 W. 44th) in Manhattan was only a law journal’s throw down from the Harvard Club (27 W.44th). Looks like those lawyers on Ivy League Alley were rushing down too many Rob Roys while they wrote that rigamarole.

    Whereas the first part of the second part of the aforesaid instrument provisionally set forth conditional duties and obligations substantially applicable to the first party and first photoplay referenced therein, the second part of the first part does not invoke the same conditional duties or obligations, notwithstanding temporally qualified provisions thereafter referencing the second party and second photoplay, including, but not limited to the aforementioned Flynn.

    … It had to make Warners’ legal eagles insane when Errol took his 50 Grand forthwith and went a’sailing on the Sirocco exactly when and where he wanted, despite all their All Rights Reserved mumbo jumbo!…