Writer Louis Kraft’s New Book Coming Along …

11 Aug

If you love Errol Flynn, you should know that writer Louis Kraft is planning new books on Flynn … his plate is full but he has a new book coming down the pipeline first and this is a peak at its cover artwork …

Louis says:

More’s a comin’ … and this has been a comin’ for a long-long time. Sand Creek and the Tragic End of a Lifeway will be published in spring 2020 (University of Oklahoma Press). The book cover design has been completed, and the art is the only image I considered for the dust jacket. In 1999 I met Cheyenne chief Gordon Yellowman, when we both spoke at a major event at the Fort Larned NHS, Kansas. During the conference Gordon and Cheyenne chief Lawrence Hart blessed the Cheyenne-Dog Man-Lakota village, which is some 30 miles to the west of the fort (it is a major historic site that has been protected due to a lot of people’s efforts over the years). During the day of the talks, Gordon was selling prints of his painting, “Sand Creek.” I bought one, framed it, and it has been displayed at Tujunga House ever since. He was thrilled when I called him to ask if I could use his art on the cover. When he said, “yes,” I was more thrilled. … Sometime in September I’ll post a blog that details the Sand Creek book’s progress in detail.


— David DeWitt

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