“The Louse That Roared”

15 Aug

August 14, 1935

Winchell’s Daily Tattle
LA Evening Herald Express

By Walter Winchell

The Lili Damita-Errol Flynn honeymoon is over. It’ll be denied, but Lili is planning a Paris divorce.


Winchell, aka “The Louse That Roared” – “not noted for accuracy”, nor concern for accuracy – wrote this winchell-worded letter to Lili in ’41, after Tiger Lil’ complained to him about an article he published falsely claiming Errol had been charged with statutory rape:

“Dear Mrs. Flynn, Thank you for your letter. The item was garbled by Western Union. I wired it to New York CIty from out of town. Best Wishes, Walter Winchell”

— Tim


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