Dinner at Cole’s

23 Aug

August 23, 1948

By Harry Crocker

Behind the Makeup
Los Angeles Times

On to Cole Porter’s. Cole had given a dinner honoring Jarmilla Novaina, Madeleine Carrol and Charles Brackett with the Arthur Rubinsteins and Errol Flynns among the guests.  Cole leaves tomorrow to stage his “Kiss for Katie” on Broadway. It will be wonderful to have more Cole Porter music in circulation.

Part of Porter’s future music included “Cherry Pies Ought to be You”, with a line referencing Errol. … It’s not clear whether Errol was drinking the night of Cole’s dinner party, but perhaps it had some influence on the Cherry Pie lyrics, though Rosemary Clooney may have been thinking something entirely different than Cole (or not), to which Sinatra warned her: “Watch out!”…

— Tim


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