Houston, You Had a Party

29 Aug

“Bedlam in Diamonds – Seventy Years Ago'””

The Shamrock Hotel Grand Opening

Starring Errol Flynn, Ginger Rogers, Dorothy Lamour, Lana Turner, ~ a cast of approximately 170 more celebrities, and Fifty Thousand extras

On March 17, 1949, the iconic Shamrock Hotel opened with a huge shindig. Hollywood celebrities including Ginger Rogers and Errol Flynn came to town for the grand opening, and Houstonians paid $42 a head to go to the dinner. About 3,000 people showed up in total, a thousand more than organizers had expected. Rich and famous attendees, even Houston’s mayor, ended up dining on hallway floors. Although the Houston Chronicle described the night as “bedlam in diamonds,” it is still remembered as one of the biggest social events in Houston history.………

— Tim


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