Mail Bag! Zaca Bollard! Robert de Cantelar …

20 Oct

This mornings Mail Bag brings us word from Robert de Cantelar …

Hi, David,

Do you remember me since more than three years of silence ?

Some news from you ?

I want to sell this bollard of ZACA, there were two originally and when I knew the boat only one was in place on the starboard aft. I bought it at the Shipyard who was next to Bankruptcy. It is in the state it was on board, there is a beautiful trace of cables on one arm and the central sphere. (See pict of detail)I also have the four bolts for fixing to the bridge, in bronze.

This piece is unique and for a true enthusiast of Errol Flynn and ZACA. I ask for it 60.000 Euros. Interested collector can contact me. Looking forward to your reply, I present to you my best regards.

Robert de Cantelar, from France.

Where ?

This bollard was in place on ZACA in 1988 before she sunk one more time.

I have many pics of the complete boat that was abandoned with only an asthmatic raw water pump….!

Details: Bollard in cross, in bronze, from Starboard side of ZACA.
Weight 23 kilos
Base, square 255 m/m – Base thickness 25 m/m
Total Hight without teak base 355 m/m
Total lange of horizontal arms 300 m/m
Four bronze bolts from origine on Zaca – Lengh 415 m/m – Diameter 19 m/m


Thanks for sharing Robert! If anyone is interested or knows somebody who is, you can contact me via the blog’s email address: zacapublishing at gmail dot com …

— David DeWitt


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