Help Rory Flynn Bring Sean Flynn & the Missing Back Home!

10 Nov

Rory Flynn, Mike Luehring and Dave MacMillan have created a GoFundeMe to help bring Sean Flynn, Dana Stone and the other missing journalists home … many efforts over the decades have been undertaken and now it is felt that the answers are close to hand. It will take a financial commitment beyond what has already been made, as well as the emotional cost already spent to bring Sean, and other still missing home again. This is our chance to help make it happen, those who have respect and love for all of them. It is a chance to share in the effort, and the accomplishment of what has been a very long struggle …

You can donate any amount you like, however small, it will become a river ..

Please visit the funding page to see a special video Rory has made to help us understand what is at stake …

Sean Flynn

Dana Stone

Errol & Sean

— David DeWitt


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    November 12, 2019 at 4:09 am

    Thank you so much for this very touching video and opportunity to help, Rory. This is very kind of you. You are a wonderful sister.……

    It would be great to see Stars-and-Stripes (and various military and war photojournalist groups) help publicize this noble cause. …Here’s an article Stars-and-Stripes did two years ago on the courage of Vietnam War journalists. Perhaps this same writer, Seth Robson, would write about this.…