Issa Flynn!?

09 Dec





Dear fellow Flynn fans,

here is a photo showing Abraham Elias Issa, prominent hotel owner of Jamaica’s famous Myrtel Bank Hotel in the company of a couple  and a fella who looks like but doesn‘t grin like Flynn.

Is it a weary Errol or an Errorol (maybe one of these:…) ?

The lovely lady in the picture doesn‘t care, she seems to have made up her mind to make the most of the moment. Issa hosted the creme de la creme of stars  like Lawrence Olivier and Vivian Leigh, Walt Disney and Winston Churchill, Ava Gardner and Louis Armstrong at his destinct resort. He and our Hollywood hero were friendly, so there is a chance this is Ol‘ Errol with his hair parted very strictly. Real deal or heel- what‘s your educated guess…



— shangheinz


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    December 10, 2019 at 8:46 pm

    Great find, westindieheinz! I’d say that’s no flim flam, that is sa real Flynn. To be extra-sure, we should check-in with one of our distinguished EFB authors, Suzanne Issa!…

    Perhaps it’s Tower Isle or the Myrtle Bank Hotel??

    “The entrance to Couples Tower Isle is a portal back in time. Lined with Royal Palms on either side, one can almost imagine they’ve landed back in the golden age of Hollywood as they approach the entrance. It’s only when you’ve checked in and learned a little more about the history of this luxury all-inclusive that you realize you truly are walking in the footsteps of Hollywood legends.”…

    Errol at the Myrtle Bank Hotel, 1947:…

  2. rswilltell

    December 13, 2019 at 2:19 pm

    Heinz, the Sherlock Holmes of Vienna has done it again. I agree that is Errol Flynn in the photo. Ralph Schiller

  3. shangheinz

    December 14, 2019 at 1:12 pm…

    You are no slough either when it comes to sleuthing, Rushstreet Ralph, but my Jamaican dollar is on Tom Conway. Whazzap!?

  4. shangheinz

    December 14, 2019 at 1:17 pm…
    We‘ve had this guessing game before with the Hearst Heist and the Lord of Shanghai blog entries, Titchfield Tim. As I told Ralph, posture and poise of that fine fella let me lean towards Tom Conway. Nobody cons a true Flynnmate like us here, right!?

  5. Gentleman Tim

    December 15, 2019 at 2:32 am

    George Sanders’ little brother, mysterheinz!? I would have sworn and bet my JA$ that was the Sea Hawk, not the Falcon, in that Issa Family photo!

  6. rswilltell

    December 16, 2019 at 4:08 pm

    Heinz; It may be the under-rated actor Tom Conway with the velvet voice. Still the thickness of his hairline makes me think Errol Flynn. Is it possible to enhance this photo? Thanks Ralph Schiller

  7. shangheinz

    December 17, 2019 at 9:00 pm…
    Radar Ralph, this Errol seems slumped and out on a limp. Matter of fact his arm is rather small,don‘t you think? Toronto Tina could spot Flynn spot on by the shape of his ear. I wish we could get a second opinion.

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 18, 2019 at 5:48 am

      i agree, viennaheinz. toronto tina could eye errol’s ear like no one else. i don’t have her nose, but here goes some compelling ear witness evidence (as opposed to less compelling earsay evidence.)



    • Gentleman Tim

      December 18, 2019 at 6:49 am

      I think a major clue is how ecstatically happy the beautiful woman next to Abe Issa (“Mr. Jamaica”) appears to be. Also, according to at least one Issa family account, Errol was known to often wear all white when at their resort.

      Here’s Errol (in near all white) with Abe Issa at Tower Isle, which may or may not have been close in time to the photo in question. Additionally, Abe appears to be wearing the same tie.…

      • Gentleman Tim

        December 18, 2019 at 3:45 pm

        and here’s what hangs this very day at tower isle, sir heinzmon:


  8. rswilltell

    December 18, 2019 at 1:39 pm

    On this photo debate, an Errol Flynn scholar contacted me to report:

    It IS Flynn with Abe Issa, Mrs. Carl Abrahams, and U.S. Vice Council to Jamaica, Carl Walstrom. The photo was taken on January 2, 1947 at the Colony Club in Kingston, Jamaica.

    I agree. Ralph Schiller

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 18, 2019 at 4:00 pm

      Thank you, Ralph.

      Milton Walstrom, perhaps?

      Is “Mrs. Carl Abrahams” related to Carl Abrahams, the famous Jamaican artist?

  9. rswilltell

    December 18, 2019 at 7:21 pm

    Tim, Not sure but it must be her!

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 19, 2019 at 1:58 am

      Carl Abrahams was a huge figure in Jamaican culture, Ralph. But I’ve read that he was never married, nor ever apparently got close. So, I’m wondering who is this adorable young woman enjoying/adoring Errol?

      “Abrahams never married, and claimed never even to have had a girlfriend. As the writer Nora Strudwick put it, he was “in the tradition of the gentle artist-monk; a prolific artist living the life of the ascetic”.

  10. shangheinz

    December 19, 2019 at 8:49 pm…
    RR, I rested my case when Microscope Tim posted that splendid candid above, where the outfit gave Flynn and Abe away. A big thank you to your scholar friend, it is good to know he still cares about this blog. Hopefully he will finish his opus magnum soon. Every true Fynn fan roots for this to happen.