Hark! ‘The Errol’ Moonbeams Shine!

21 Dec

America calling, PW …

Just in time for Christmastime – Our Lady in London – publishes Errol’s secret recipe!

“The Spectator magazine’s Christmas special is doubly festive this year, [including] an entry from journalist and high-society member Petronella Wyatt revealing details … of her favourite seasonal cocktail, “The Errol”, named after its inventor Errol Flynn.” [The Irish Times]

The Spectator Christmas Special

“My favoured cocktail for the Christmas alcoholiday is an invention of Errol Flynn’s. Flynn taught it to my late friend Diana, Countess of Wilton, back in the 1950s. Diana was a perfected presence, a swan among swans, and Flynn, who was living in Rome at the time, used to take her to lunch. Far from being a vulgar seducer, he liked to talk about Socrates and had wanted to become a writer. He was a tragic man, trapped by his own physical beauty. His eyes, the colour of Anatolian waters, had a terrible sadness. But he taught her to make a cocktail of such subtlety that it is like drinking moonbeams.”

“‘The Errol’ is a variation on a White Lady and I publish the recipe here for the first time. Into a cocktail shaker, pour 1 part gin, 1 part Cointreau and 1 part freshly squeezed lemon juice. Add a teaspoon of white rum. Shake with ice and serve in martini glasses.”

Thank you, Petronella, and Erroltime tidings!

— Tim


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  1. gerry

    February 2, 2020 at 4:20 pm

    I had been wondering if there was ever a drink named after Errol and if not ,why not. I would’ve called it the “in like Flynn” although Errol might not have liked that

  2. Gentleman Tim

    February 3, 2020 at 5:30 am

    I’ll drink to that, Gerry. If not an ‘In Like Flynn’, how about a ‘Gin Like Flynn’?

    It could be perfect at the Hotel Roosevelt:…

    OR, if more out my way in Miami, try The (Gin) Martini Special, created in Havana in honor of Errol by the famed Fabio Delgado Fuentes.

    1½ oz gin (Hayman’s Old Tom Gin if available)

    ¾ oz vermouth (Carpano Antica Vermouth i available)

    2 drops Orange Flower Water

    Dash Verte de Fougerolles Absinthe Verte

    Dash Angostura Bitters

    Stir with ice, strain into a cocktail glass. Twist Lemon Peel over glass and discard
