Suppering with a Socialist, a Socialite, and a Spouse

08 Feb

February 8, 1939

“Hopkins and Stars see club opening.”
“Washington, D.C., Feb. 8.”

“Washington’s newest supper club opened last night with celebrities and stars in attendance. Here, Harry Hopkins, Secretary of Commerce, movie star Errol Flynn and Mrs. John Hay Whitney, wealthy socialite, found their way to fun. Note the ‘pop’ bottle on the table.”

[Note, also, how Lili was cut out of the story, quite literally in Life Magazine’s coverage, which did not include her in this same photo. That had to infuriate Miss Dynamita!]

Harry Hopkins was FDR’s main man for both the New Deal, and for international diplomacy. (Many believe he was also either a Soviet agent or Soviet dupe.)

Liz Whitney was a premier equestrian and horse owner, along with her legendary husband,Jock Whitney, “master of one of the great American fortunes and a pace-setting leader in a kaleidoscope of fields.”

— Tim


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