Leading the Charge

20 Feb

February 18, 1936

Jimmy Starr
Evening Herald Express

For his splendid directorial work on Captain Blood, Michael Curtiz has been awarded the important task of wielding the megaphone on The Charge of the Light Brigade. again starring new rave Errol Flynn, which will be one of the most lavishly produced on the Warner lists this season.

And now a whack from Lizzie Yeaman…

February 18, 1936

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizen News

The directorial stock of Michael Curtiz has soared many points since the rekease of Captain BloodThe Charge of the Light Brigade. This picture will be a big special production with a budget even larger than that established for Captain Blood. Curtiz, futhermore, is well qualified by experience to direct this story of the Crimean War. For four years he fought as an officer in the Austrian calvary during the World War, and he also served during two Austrian revolutions. Flynn, meanwhile, is rapidly recovering from his appendix operation.

— Tim


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    February 20, 2020 at 5:56 pm
