Ahoy All Boys

21 Feb

February 21, 1938

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Here’s a vacation offer to fit any boy’s dream.

Errol Flynn has decided to give two youngsters, between the ages of 15 and 18, a chance to accompany him on his Carribean cruise.

The star originally invited the Mauch twins, but they are going into a western picture at Warners and won’t be able to make the trip.

So Flynn is going to extend the opportunity to two other boys.

Anybody has a chance, but certain qualifications are necessary.

First of all, the consent of the parents. No boy who runs away from home will be given consideration.

Secondly, the star wants boys who have had an elementary training in seamanship and who possess some knowledge of the mathematics of navigation.

The cruise is to be made in the star’s yacht, Sirocco, and the sailing date is about the middle of March. Flynn plans to be gone six weeks. With him on the boat will be the captain, the two lucky boys and a couple of the actor’s men’s friends.

Don’t write this reporter for more information. Address all communications to Flynn at the Warners Brothers studio, in Burbank, California.

— Tim


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