Magical Mystery Quiz

25 Feb

One of The Beatles once dressed a la Errol in one of his swashbuckler films. Which Beatle was it, what was the occasion, and why is today an appropriate day for this quiz?

— Tim


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    February 26, 2020 at 12:49 am

    Not to be confused with John’s post-Beatle “Lost Weekend” in LA, when he complained that he wasn’t able to get away with things like he thought Errol had. In John’s words:

    “When it’s Errol Flynn, the showbiz writers say: ‘Those were the days, when men were men.’ When I do it, I’m a bum.”

  2. barb

    The Real Person!

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    February 26, 2020 at 3:50 am

    Tim, great quote from John Lennon!

    OK, I gathered that today was the birthday of one of the Beatles, and it turns out it’s George Harrison’s birthday, who would have been 77 today. Then I Googled “George Harrison Errol Flynn” and found a website that told of the Beatles’ annual holiday party in 1967, “Magical Mystery Tour Dress Party.” According to the website, “George came as a dashing Errol Flynn-type swashbuckler.” Who knew?

  3. Gentleman Tim

    February 26, 2020 at 6:19 am

    It’s so hard to imagine anyone else answering this before the horn blew at midnight, Barb – with a little help from your friends at Google, of course. The Magical Mystery Tour (Christmas) Fancy Dress Party was quite a day in the life of The Beatles, but apparently a very hard day’s night for George & wife Patti, because of Beatle John’s bad boy behavior. A splendid time was not had by all.

    Interestingly, George wasn’t sure if his birthday was February 25, or 24. Because of wartime time zones in Liverpool says his wife Olivia. Isn’t that something.
