Two Big Kisses

22 Mar

March 21, 1949

Harrison Carroll
Evening Herald Express

Errol Flynn now talks of writing a part for Greer Garson in his screen story, The Last Buccaneer, I don’t know how much importance to attach to thecwarm new friendship of Errol and Greer, but I keep hearing that her romance with Buddy Fogelson is cooling, and she and Flynn certainly do have a good time together.

Greer has a lively sense if humor. On the last day of The Forsythe Saga, she and Flynn were doing a scene in a buggy. Greer had Errol’s side of the buggy wired. When she pressed a button, he went up in the air like he had been stuck with a pin.

The cast and crew had their “end of the picture” party a Chinese restaurant in Culver City.* Greer presented Errol with a gag-gift – red wig, beard and eyebrows to wear in England so the fans won’t recognize from him. Among other things, Errol presented Greer with two big kisses right in front of everybody.


Perhaps Errol used that re-beard. gag-gift on the set of Kim!

Mrs. Miniver had maximum talent…

* In days of old in the Golden State, pre-corona v., Californians could dine-in at Chinese restaurants in Culver City.

— Tim


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