60-Years Ago This Week

12 Apr

Second week of April, 1960

“In a photo taken by guest Bob Profeta during a party at their Hollywood apartment, Florence Aadland, left, scuffles with her 17-year-old daughter, Beverly, during an argument over whether the television was too loud. You may recall that Beverly Aadland was in the news in 1959 as Errol Flynn’s “protege.” She was being held on charges of prostitution and lack of parental supervision after William Stanciu was shot to death while struggling with her over a gun.”

Victoria Advocate – April 10, 1960

Paul V. Coates Confidential File – April 13, 1960

Daytona Beach Morning Journal – April 14, 1960

— Tim


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  1. Ralph Schiller

    The Real Person!

    Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    April 13, 2020 at 11:13 pm

    Tim thanks for this rare info. I saw Beverly Aadland in the 2007 Tasmanian Devil documentary. She looked terrible even after the producers did everything to hide the ravishes of time and abuse with lighting, camera angles and make-up. She died in 2009. What a life she had. Ralph Schiller

  2. Laura M.

    The Real Person!

    Author Laura M. acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    April 17, 2020 at 4:45 pm

    It is my personal belief that Beverly had a lot of people fooled. She claimed that Errol was her “true” love, but was already involved with a new one just two months after his death. She loved to say in interviews that Errol loved her exclusively, which we know was not true. I also find it interesting that she tried to sue his estate claiming that he corrupted her, and she that she was left unable to pursue a “normal” sex life. Really? I’m glad the court was able to prove that her shady past had a lot to do with her so called problems. I believe the word Gold-digger is a very good description of Beverly and her mother. They were quite a team! I’m quite sure that she has family members that believe her stories, but luckily for people who truly loved Errol Flynn, the facts speak for themselves.

    • David DeWitt

      The Real Person!

      Author David DeWitt acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      April 24, 2020 at 3:53 am

      I am quite sure that Beverly was no gold digger and loved Flynn very much. Not sure what lawsuits you refer to but she had a rough time after Errol died and put that all behind her when she married Ron Fisher, a real gentleman and had a family with him. She never asked for anything from Errol during their life together. It was others, perhaps, that tried to get something from the estate. She was a singer and performer at an early age but was not a shady character (unlike the two girls persuaded to testify against him in his rape trial …) The family does remember her very fondly, and with gratitude for providing any measure of happiness he had during his last two year of life when he was sick, broke, and broken …

      • Laura M.

        The Real Person!

        Author Laura M. acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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        April 25, 2020 at 2:00 am

        David, please know that I truly didn’t mean to offend you in my posting my opinion of Beverly. I would imagine that many of the things that were written about her were twisted around by the writers themselves. Including the book that her mother wrote. Actually, I shouldn’t say “book,” I should call it what it was, which was the rantings of a drunk. And yes, I did read that Beverly did NOT give her mother permission to write that book.
        The lawsuit that I was referring to can be found by going to Google and then put in “Beverly Aadland Lawsuit against Errol Flynn Estate.
        Anyway, I didn’t mean to hurt your memory of Beverly. It was simply meant to be my opinion.