The Curious Case of the Corpse/Superstar Holdout

26 Apr

April 26, 1938

Elizabeth Yeaman
Hollywood Citizen News

Warners are remaining absolutely mum on the subject of Errol Flynn, whose picture, Robin Hood, was enthusiastically greeted at a preview last night. Flynn, so far as know, is still aboard his yacht in waters off the Bahamas. [Warners] cannot get Flynn to say yes or no about returning for Sister Act.

April 27, 1938

Harrison Carroll
LA Evening Herald Express

As this is written, Flynn is still a holdout on returning to the studio. Warners wanted him badly for Sister Act, but Errol was delayed two and a half weeks in getting away from Miami and, so far, he is refusing to give up his vacation.

Quite a turn of fortune for the Irish actor who, two short years ago, was glad to play a corpse in The Case of the Curious Bride.

— Tim


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