“In Some Respects, the Most Beautiful Photoplay Ever Made”

26 Apr

April 26, 1938

James Francis Crow
Review of Previews
Hollywood Citizen News

The Adventures of Robin Hood in the new Warner version, with Errol Flynn appearing in the title role as a swashbuckling successor to the swashbuckling Douglas Fairbanks, presents itself, first of all, as a box office smash. It is a picture of abundant action and high romance, the well-nigh infallible guarantees of commercial success. Done in Technicolor and magnificently mounted, it is in some respects the most beautiful photoplay ever made. Last night’s preview was marked by frequently recurring bursts of applause by which the audience paid tribute to the artistry of color camera craft in the vivid depiction of marital pageantry, of flashing swordplay, of rollicking adventure among the the gaily garbed long bow warriors of Sherwood Forest.

It is a picture of emphatic and dazzling excellencies. Flynn is excellent, as are Basil Rathbone, Clude Rains, and Alan Hale. Olivia de Havilland is captivatingly beautiful in the role of Lady Marian.…

— Tim


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