World Premier of The Adventures of Robin Hood — At Radio City Music Hall, May 12, 1938

12 May

On Thursday, May 12, 1938, at 11:45 AM, Radio City Music hall – The Showplace of the Nation – hosted the world premier of The Adventures of Robin Hood

This is the Opening Day 12 x 6 inch advertisement that was published in the New York Times on May 12, 1938.

Live on Stage were the following performances…

These are the 1938 Rockettes… Waiting in line to meet Errol perhaps?…

Music lovers got a real treat. Not only were they to hear for the first time Erich Korngold’s magnificent Academy Award-winning score, they also witnessed a live performance of Ottorino Resphigi’s Pines of Rome, one of the most spectacular symphonic compositions of all time. Here is a version from seven years ago by a tremendous young orchestra:

Not to be outdone by Resphigi, here is Maestro Korngold:

Here can be seen the full New York Times ad and associated info.

— Tim


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