“Mr. Flynn Tells ‘Em”

14 Jun

Mr. Flynn Stands Up and Tells the Nazis Off

Eighty Years Ago Today – June 14, 1940 – Errol Appeared on Brazilian National Radio to Condemn Nazi Infiltration of South America. The Next Day He Wrote the Following Letter to FDR.

— Tim


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  1. Linda Lovig

    June 15, 2020 at 2:40 pm

    Take that C Higham

    • Gentleman Tim

      June 15, 2020 at 10:36 pm

      Yes indeed, Linda. Chuckie Pigham was a bitterly selfish, greed-driven, arrogant fraud. Spoiled from the day he was born, who blamed everyone but himself for the despicable person he was. He wasn’t one-hundredth the man Errol Flynn was. ..And it wasn’t because his step-mother molested him, as he claimed. Nor was it because of Nazis. It was because of his lifelong abuse of privilege and his profound lack of moral integrity.