Book on the Duke Of Windsor and Wallis provides shocking revelations!

26 Jun

Has anyone here at the Errol Flynn blog read the outstanding book “King Of Fools” by John Parker which reveals the true story of King Edward VIII who abdicated his throne for American divorcee Wallis Simpson? Once his brother became King George VI, and Edward was merely the Duke Of Windsor, the former king was under constant surveillance of British intelligence MI5.  By pure happenstance someone else was also observed by MI5 through his connection to the Duke.  Conjecture?  Maybe? John Parker had access to now de-classified British Intelligence files and Home Office files. I read this book twice from cover to cover and was astonished! Ralph Schiller

— Ralph Schiller


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  1. Selene Hutchison-Zuffi

    The Real Person!

    Author Selene Hutchison-Zuffi acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    June 27, 2020 at 3:16 pm

    Sorry if i got mad last night. I get emotional when it comes of Errol
    We know that MI5 said he was not guilty.
    I am actually intrigued by Wallis and the Duke

  2. Ralph Schiller

    The Real Person!

    Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    June 28, 2020 at 8:42 pm

    Selene; Your heart is in the right place when it comes to protecting Errol Flynn’s memory. “King Of Fools” is the book to read on the former king and Wallis. You will not be able to put it down. Then share you thoughts on it, good, bad, or indifferent!

  3. shangheinz

    The Real Person!

    Author shangheinz acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    June 29, 2020 at 6:27 pm

    Freddie McEvoy`s first wife Bea Cartwright entertained Eddie the Eight and Wallis Sipsom in her villa at the Cote D´Azur. Barb Hutton`s infamous cousin Jimmy Donahue, a mutual friend, attributed the spell WS held over the former king to very mundane qualities: “Best sockcucker ever…” The scenery shifted to the Bahamas once the war started. McEvoy was on course to these islands with his yacht, when he drowned near the coast of Morocco.

  4. Karl

    The Real Person!

    Author Karl acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    June 29, 2020 at 10:11 pm

    Oh, Oh So Hep Heinz * (intoned with GREAT admiration), could you offer up a few words of your thinking on this Mr. Parker… never heard of him myself and his website is no longer in good working order.

    I see he is the author of some “35 books published in hardback, in Military and Investigative genres and biographies.” He has a healthy “presence” on Amazon Canada but virtually none here at Amazon stateside as to offerings…

    Do you happen to know what sort of rep on your continent as regards to his veracity and/or scholarship?

    Btw, glad to see you are a fan of PW as well!

    (Always felt Nora was THE BIG LOVE and Patrice was a “familiar” replay, like Kay (Williams) Spreckels was for Lombard with Gable… just an UNINFORMED opinion, mind you).

    * Loved hearing, for example, your unwavering opinions on everything from the ways of Wallace to Joltin’ Joe justice!

    • shangheinz

      The Real Person!

      Author shangheinz acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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      June 30, 2020 at 7:46 pm

      King Karl, I am not familiar with any book of prolific Parker, a Fleet Street journalist with an impressive range of topics. It is hard to say if he merely jumped on Higham‘s bandwagon stating English Secret Service has a file on Flynn.…
      Another notorious author may shed some light on 00Errol: Ladislav Farago publishes two books on espionage during WWII and he was a firm believer that Freddie McEvoy was a Third Reichling. As far as our Hollywood hero goes, as unpolitical as he was he definitely had a knack for royalty.