Cruisin’ with Professor Flynn

21 Jul

July 21, 1946 – New York Times
“Errol Flynn’s Father Here For Expedition”

“Theodore Thomson Flynn, Professor of Zoology at Queens College, Belfast, Ireland, and the father of Errol Flynn, screen actor, arrived yesterday on the United States liner Washington, which docked at Pier 62, North River, from Le Havre, Southampton and Cobh.”

Cruisin’ on United States liner Washington

Pier 62 – Now the Northernmost of the Chelsea Piers

July 29, 1946 – Los Angeles Times.
“Errol Flynn’s Father Arrives to Join Cruise”

The Flynn Family to Research the Tuna Family

Cruise of the Zaca

— Tim


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  1. timerider

    The Real Person!

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    July 26, 2020 at 12:00 am

    I mentioned before, in my early 20’s I worked for an ecological study as biologist assistant. In the field as a fish and specimen collector and in the lab sorting and identifying those specimens. I love the stories about Errol’s dad and all the field trips they had together. I’ve had this DVD for many years now. Errol Leslie lived 3 lifetimes in 50 years! Did he ever really sleep? LOL! The world was much freer than today! Everyone was very young…..

    • Gentleman Tim

      July 26, 2020 at 12:19 pm

      Timerider returns! So great to hear from you, Timerider! Welcome back aboard!
