Sean Injured in Da Nang

01 Sep

September 2, 1968

Errol Flynn’s Son Wounded On Assignment In Vietnam

Da Nang, Vietnam (AP) -Sean Flynn, working as a cameraman for the Columbia Broadcasting System, was wounded slightly by grenade fragments Saturday during a counterattack by U.S. Special Forces on an enemy squad 85 miles south of Da Nang. Flynn, 27, son of the late actor Errol Flynn, and Associated Press photographer Dana Stone were with the Special Forces as they retook a small outpost overrun by the enemy Friday near the special forces camp of Ka Thanh. Flynn was hit in the chest but did not require hospital care, and returned to the Da Nang press center. Flynn calls Paris, France, his home. He was wounded slightly in February 1966, while covering U.S. troops in South Vietnam.

Sean under fire during the 1968 “Mini-Tet”. Photo by Tim Page.

— Tim


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