A Remarkable Recovery — But a No Go to Mexico

05 Oct

October 4, 1938

Los Angeles Examiner

Louella Parsons

Errol Flynn heard yesterday for the first time that he had pneumonia when he was so critically ill last week. So remarkable was his recovery that he is expected to go home today, and Lili Damita will sail Thursday on the Queen Mary. Errol’s doctors have ordered him to rest for two weeks, after which he is to report to Warner studio for Dodge City.


October 5, 1938

Los Angeles Evening Herald Express

Harrison Carroll

Errol Flynn went from the hospital to Edmund Goulding’s house at Palm Springs. He wanted to take a trip to Mexico City, but doctors vetoed it.


Perhaps Errol just needed some nursing South of the Border, rather than what he was receiving in the U.S.:

If only he could have waited till ’42, when Lili became a nurse…

— Tim


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