It’s Errol Flynn! Pin-up Artist

09 Nov

Released November 9, 1946 – NEVER SAY GOODBYE

— Tim


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  1. Karl

    The Real Person!

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    November 10, 2020 at 2:39 am

    Quite simply… the BEST of his comedic efforts and due as much to his own natural abilities (along with a more than able supporting cast and who you sensed had a great time doing it*) as it is the excellent script that came to this effort courtesy of I.A.L. Diamond (who “charted” many a Billy Wilder effort) and James V Kern (early TV scripting pioneer for such shows as I Love Lucy (40 episodes) right up to the late 60s with My Three Sons (99 episodes).

    * While the other adults, namely Eleanor Parker, S Z Sakall, Lucille Watson (a REAL surprise as a comedy player), and Forest Tucker all made their contributions fit beautifully into the overall, it was the youngest member of the group, Patti Brady, who was a PARTICULAR standout! Interestingly, she had but a brief career beginning with 2 Broadway plays in the early 40s before moving on to a dozen films (and through several studios) with “Goodbye” being just her 2nd- and she was done with it all by 1951!