Just the Facts

23 Nov

November 20, 1942

Minneapolis Star Journal

FBI Jails Boy in Extortion
13-Year-Old Asked $10,000 of Flynn


A $10,000 extortion plot against actor Errol Flynn was attributed to a 13-year-old San Bernardino schoolboy last night by the Federal Bureau of Investigation. The FBI said young Billy Seamster had sent a note to the actor, now awaiting trial on statutory charges, demanding the money on pain of death. The lad was arrested, said agent Richard B. Hood, in San Bernardino where he had directed the money to be sent. Hood said the note, received by Flynn Nov. 11 at his Beverly Hills home, read: “If you value your life and career, send a small package containing $10,000 in currency to the Otto Malt Shop. Your phone has been tapped. Don’t call police. You will be killed if you don’t comply.” It was signed “Jack Gilstrom.” The lad was released to his parents while the United States attorney’s office studies possible further action.

— Tim


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