On the Second Day of Christmas🎁🎁

26 Dec

On the second day of Christmas

Errol gave to us

One golden film

And the Captain Blood premiere…..!

From Bonnie Paraschos on the Facebook Errol Flynn Blog, the FB-EFB, here’s Errol and Lili with Ross Alexander and his wife, Aleta Freel Alexander, at the world premiere of “Captain Blood”, at the Mark Strand Theater in Manhattan, on December 26, 1935. Original in B&W, edited green here in the seasonal spirit. Thank you, and Merry (second day of) Christmas, Bonnie!

— Tim


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    The Real Person!

    Author ILIKEFLYNN acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    December 26, 2020 at 11:51 pm

    Great picture! (especially with how hot Lili Damita looks; at least in my opinion.) But did not the film premiere on Dec. 26, 1935 in New York City? (At least according to…)

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 27, 2020 at 12:34 am

      Oh, yes, December 26, A.R.! (Which is why I posted it today, on December 26) Typo error, thanks very much for bringing it to my attention!!


      • Gentleman Tim

        December 27, 2020 at 12:46 am

        And oui, oui, regarding Lil’ li.

  2. Laura Miceli

    The Real Person!

    Author Laura Miceli acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    December 27, 2020 at 4:08 am

    Well, it’s still the second day of Christmas here in Portland Oregon. I hope all of you had a happy holiday. I myself was hoping for a happier one, but this being the first Christmas without my mother I probably should’ve anticipated that it would be crappy. Not to mention the fact that the covid rules here in Oregon prevented holiday get togethers so I couldn’t be with my siblings either. I need to cheer myself up, so I think I’ll spend the rest of the evening watching Errol Flynn movies and catching up on all of the great articles on this blog that I’ve missed, as I only joined two years ago. Does anyone want to suggest some reading on here that you have enjoyed or contributed? I appreciate any ideas to get myself out of this funk. After all, an Errol Flynn fan shouldn’t be depressed, right?
    Thanks and Happy Christmas to all of you a day late.

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 27, 2020 at 9:45 pm

      Dear Laura. I am so sorry for your loss this year of your Mother, and your inability to be with your siblings. On top of all that, I imagine being in Portland particularly this horrible year must have made life even more difficult for you.

      I, too, lost my Mother this year, with this being the first Christmas none of my brothers or sisters were with her, nor any of us with each other. So tragic for all of us this separation and death of family and loved ones. I hope and pray 2021 sees a better world.*

      The best account of I’ve ever read of Errol’s life was by Errol himself – in My Wicked, Wicked Ways. What a fun,, insightful, humorous, and well-written page-turner it is! And though he recounts some deep loneliness and heartbreaking tragedies in his life, it is ultimately a story of great triumph.

      Another masterwork is Tom McNulty’s “Errol Flynn: His Life and Times”. No topping that biography!…

      And this “Fast and Furious” video posted by Jack Marino on YouTube is sensational!

      May God bless you, Laura.

      * To help heal, and hopefully others, I recently wrote a song encouraging the maximum possible allowance of visitation between families and loved ones. Too many seniors are dying from the consequences of isolation.

      • Laura Miceli

        The Real Person!

        Author Laura Miceli acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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        December 27, 2020 at 11:44 pm

        Thank you Tim for your kind words. I’m so sorry that you also lost your mother this year and couldn’t be with your siblings. The sadness that so many of us are going through is truly tragic. Depending on where you live, these shut downs are certainly contributing to the depression of us all.

        I also thank you for the reading suggestions! I’m pretty sure I own a copy of every book that’s been written about Errol Flynn. There are only two that I truly hated and decided to burn one of them, which I’m sure you have guessed which one that is; yes the one by that horrible man whose name I refuse to say, that wrote an entire book of lies.That book is happily not a part of my Errol Flynn collection!

        And yes, I have watched my copy of “Tasmanian Devil” many times. Will never tire of that one! Nor will I ever tire of “Captain Blood” “Gentleman Jim” “Against All Flags” “Dodge City” They Died With Their Boots On” “Lilacs In The Spring” “The Perfect Specimen” (and he certainly was that!) “Silver River” and “The Adventures Of Captain Fabian” Just a few of my favorites. Love them all.

        Also, did you say you wrote that song that you posted? It was just beautiful. Thank you for sharing it with us. Do you write songs? I’m finding that writing can be very helpful in this healing process. I do hope that you are doing ok. Please know that your acknowledgment of my grief was very helpful to me. You’re a very caring person.

        • Gentleman Tim

          December 28, 2020 at 3:09 am

          Yes, it’s all so tragic, Laura. Not only for parents and grandparents who are isolated and dying, but for children and young adults whose futures are being snuffed out, too. I have two sons in California, for example, whose livelihoods have been upended, which, in turn, makes it extremely difficult to start and raise a family. We’ll all get through this, but so sad.

          I am not a professional songwriter, but I do on occasion write songs, as I did for my Mom. The song you heard was recorded in Belgium and filmed in The Netherlands, by a very talented classical guitar husband and wife duo. I don’t have their kind or level of talent. I was blessed they liked and recorded the song. In addition to performing the song, they also arranged it.

          Discussing all this with you has also been very helpful to me, Laura. I’m so glad you posted. And you gave me a wonderful idea for further healing. I’ll also go burn those two evil-hearted books you referred to!

          • Gentleman Tim

            December 28, 2020 at 3:25 am

            Burning chronologically, the first book to torch will be called a Chuck roast, after greedy and green-with-envy, Chuckie Pigham:


            • Laura Miceli

              The Real Person!

              Author Laura Miceli acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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              December 29, 2020 at 4:20 am

              I’ll bring the marshmallows!!!!

  3. Norman

    The Real Person!

    Author Norman acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    December 30, 2020 at 2:52 pm

    Found this: The photo displayed is not from the New York premiere of Captain Blood on December 25, 1935. It is from the premiere of Midsummer Night’s Dream on October 16th shown here (Bottom Photo) from the January issue of Photoplay magazine. As we know, the fan magazines at that time were already on the newsstands two to three weeks before the stated month of the magazine (by Nov. 15 /-..before Capain Blood premiere).

    And here is a shot of Errol and Lily at the Captain Blood premiere in New York on December 25th, from the New York Times.

    Hope this helps!

    Let me express my apologies. The photo of the New York premiere has been removed since it is one I had borrowed and the original owner has requested that it be not be publicized. All of the facts still remain in tact regarding the photo of Midsummer Night’s Dream and the correct October date.

    Thank you for your understanding!

    • Gentleman Tim

      December 30, 2020 at 9:57 pm

      Merci, Norman. You may want to notify Bonnie, also. It’s very helpful for all of us to work as a team to get the facts straight and dates correct, Saxons and Normans included. Please do post photos and articles from your collection.

  4. Karl

    The Real Person!

    Author Karl acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    December 9, 2022 at 3:51 pm

    In a lighter moment during filming… Ross, Tom Wilson (?), and other UNIDENTIFIABLE friends.
