Adventures of Robin Hood to screen outdoors in NYC!

29 Jun

Jim Turiello (author of Errol Flynn: The Quest for an Oscar) write to me with the news that The Adventures of Robin Hood will be shown in public on the “big outdoor screen at Bryant Park in New York City, August 6, 2012…”

Also Jim was in Puerto Rico recently and visited the main plant of Bacardi Rum and spoke about Errol Flynn to the plant manager a big Errol Flynn fan who was unaware that Flynn had any connection to the Bacardi family. Jim Turiello is appearing on Jack Marino’s radio show tonight at 8pm Pacific Standard Time (PST) to discuss his book – and offers this photo taken in Cuba:

Flynn is holding a small chick in his hand!

— David DeWitt


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  1. Inga

    June 30, 2012 at 11:00 am

    Thanks for sharing this rare photograph, and good luck for tonight!

  2. Mary Ann

    The Real Person!

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    June 30, 2012 at 8:24 pm

    Jim, thanks for sharing this photo. Good luck on the show tonight!!

  3. timerider

    The Real Person!

    Author timerider acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    July 1, 2012 at 2:47 am

    I don’t think that is a female fowl? I don’t really partake of the juice pictured here but in my youth it was my favorite addition to Coke-Cola and the coconut fruit! LOL! Now it’s rum cake,rum cookies, rum battered fish,YUM! Beer bater too!! Bacardi dark and I’m getting very hungry not eating till 8:30 pm!!!

  4. JohnEl

    July 2, 2012 at 12:58 am

    Where could one purchase a copy of this photo? During my “Errol Flynn Days” I probably could of owned stock inThe Barcardi Company (along with Coca-Cola as well)! Still like one once in a while…