Lili and Bruce (and Not Errol) at the World Premier of The Good Earth

30 Jan

January 30, 1937

Premire of The Good Earth

Joan Crawford with Franchot Tone..

Surprise arrrival of the evening was this.. Lili Damita with Bruce Cabot!

Miss Data has been reported reconciled with Errol Flynn, and Cabot reconciled with Adienne Ames.

Bruce Cabot and Tiger Lil’ circa the World Premier of The Good Earth

Bruce Cabot and his wife, Adrienne Ames, apparently having a not-so-happy day at the track

“The film’s premiere took place in Los Angeles at the Carthay Circle Theatre on 29 Jan 1937, followed by a New York premiere at the Astor Theatre on 2 Feb. News items reported extensive preparations for both premieres, especially in Los Angeles where art director associate Harry Oliver supervised the decoration of San Vicente Blvd. (the street on which the Carthay Circle Theatre was located) in a Chinese style. A fifty-foot replica of the novel was also constructed on a corner of the intersection of Wilshire and San Vicente Blvd. near the theater. Prominent writers P. G. Wodehouse, Rupert Hughes and Jim Tully were present at the premiere to write impromptu reviews and immediately send them across the nation via wire service. The premiere was broadcast over radio via the Mutual System and, according to a 29 Jan 1937 HR news item, was the first premiere to be covered on a national network.”

So it might have been broadcast nationwide that Lili attended with Cabot?

Photos including Bruce Cabot above are from the approximate timeframe of The Good Earth World Premiere, but not from the premiere

— Tim


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  1. David DeWitt

    The Real Person!

    Author David DeWitt acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    January 30, 2021 at 4:18 pm

    Somebody might’ve been trying to create a little trouble for Errol in the press?


  2. Ralph Schiller

    The Real Person!

    Author Ralph Schiller acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
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    January 31, 2021 at 6:59 pm

    Tim, I agree with David. Bruce Cabot was doing a favor to Errol and Lili and resented any reporters making something out of nothing. Cabot was a no-nonsense guy and a heavy drinker. Yes he looked as if he was going to take a poke at the photographer!

    • Gentleman Tim

      February 1, 2021 at 2:54 am

      You’re so right, Ralph! Our great friend shangheinz once posted a great photo of Cabot the Cad from Last of the Mohicans. Good thing Bruce didn’t have his tomahawk with him when that photographer snuck up on Etienne and Adrienne! (Etienne being Bruce’s true first name.)…

      p.s. call home to the EFB, shangheinz!