Mail Bag! Philip Gostelow Photography!

14 Mar

From time to time we like to promo the works of members who support The Errol Flynn Blog over the years and today photographer Philip Gostelow reaches out to us about his new website gallery:

“As a photographer I had the great opportunity to photograph a number of celebrities while based in Tokyo in the 90s.
“I’ve just launched a new web gallery on my web site offering for the first time limited edition prints. The first of these are portraits of Quentin Tarantino … please refer Facebook posting as following:
Purchasing Instructions –
“Would EFB be interested to post this offer, together with attached sample?”


Philip Gostelow 
photography + film…

Thanks, Philip!


— David DeWitt


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  1. Gentleman Tim

    March 15, 2021 at 4:24 am

    I went through your website tonight, Philip. WOW! What fabulous, world-class work you have done! And what a career! It’s an honor and pleasure to have you here.

    When I first saw QT in the post David out up, I thought the topic was going to be where his Kill Bill swordfight(s) rank relative to those of Flynn’s. I’ve seen one rated in the top ten cinematic sword fights of of all time, up there with those in Hood and Blood, between Errol and Basil. ..Too bloody for my taste, but bloody well executed nonetheless.