Sean McArdle Graphic Novel “The Furor & The Tramp” Now Available!

13 Apr
The Fuhrer and the Tramp” is a graphic novel about Charlie Chaplin fighting Adolf Hitler while making the Great Dictator. The Little Tramp is joined by two of FDR’s secret agents, Hedy Lamar and Errol Flynn, and the three of them forge head to finish filming the movie, and punch a lot of Nazi’s in their Nazi faces along the way.


The 192 full color graphic novel is available now for ordering through Previews! www……APR211923


There’s tons of extra content, more story, funny jokes, new pages, plus comprehensive annotations!


Order it now at your local comics shop!



Thanks, Sean!

— David DeWitt

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  1. Gentleman Tim

    April 14, 2021 at 5:07 am

    Flynnsational, Sean!!!