Justin TImberlake Selling House built on Mulholland Farm House site!

06 Oct

Home sweet home: Justin Timberlake and Jessica Biel listed their massive mansion in the Hollywood Hills for a staggering $35million price tag, according to property reports  Built on what was once part of the Errol Flynn estate, the 13,530-square-foot Spanish Villa is situated on the end of a cul-de-sac off famed Mulholland Drive.

Errol Flynn bought 11.5 acres on top of a ravine off dry and dusty Mulholland Drive in 1941 and had a modest ranch-style Colonial built that he called Mulholland Farm, located at 3100 Torreyson Place. It had a pool, tennis court, barn, and even a casino. –Thanks, Suzy!


— David DeWitt


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  1. October 12, 2021 at 1:50 am

    When Errol got here in 1935 to Warners he was under contract for 150.00 per week. He would drive around and he would explore Los Angeles. He drove up to Mulholland dr which was all a dirt road in those days. He came to a Boy scout camp which was on the same land that caught Errol’s eye.

    He had to go to JL Warner and asked for an advance on his salary to buy one acre of land. I’m sure JL gave him the money in order to get Errol to plant roots so he could keep him making films for Warners.

    By the end of Charge of Light Brigade, Errol bought the rest of the 10 acres and he moved the boy scout camp next this his property.

    He did all this while being married to Lilly and she never knew he was buying land for a future home. He owned Aspian Way with Lilly after Blood. I have seen the deeds to Aspian Way and the land he bought on Mulholland a few acres at the time.

    Errol never had his name on these land deeds but the name of the contractors he would hire to clean up the property.

    Once he divorced Lilly he built the house and as he said the house went up quick.

    I have photos of Errol when he came home from India from the movie KIM and he is sitting at his desk and carved in the front of the desk it says’ MULHOLLAND FARM 1935. That desk is now in Jamaica and has been there since 1957

    I was up Mulholland in 1987 and 1988 many times and took a lot of friends up there to hang out in the house and by the pool. I took a lot of photos of every room in the house and even up in the attic. Pictures no one else has.

    Ricky Nelson sub-divided the bottom 7 acres the sub-division built four million dollars home and created the FLYNN RANCH ROAD which is the only way in and out of Errol’s property. All that was left was Flynn’s home and 3.5 acres of the original property.

    Helen Hunt bought the property and her mother Jane Hunt built the home. Helen never moved into the house and Justin Timberlake bought it and he’s been there for many years.

    I got up into the house that Timberlake bought it was big and cold on the inside looked like an office building. He eventually built a pool on the side of his home. On those slopes that were there, he had to fill in with lots of dirt.

    Does anyone know what Timberlake is asking for his home now?

    • David DeWitt

      The Real Person!

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      October 12, 2021 at 5:12 am

      Jack, I think the asking price is $35 million …

  2. tassie devil

    The Real Person!

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    October 16, 2021 at 7:12 am

    it would be so wonderful if we could turn back time and see the original home. etc

  3. Karl

    The Real Person!

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    October 19, 2021 at 4:35 pm

    How do you reconcile the old giving way to the new… in Flynn’s case, there were 2 such instances?

    This “improvement” on the original (Mulholland House) reminds me both of the Zaca’s own recent reclamation story and of another:

    “Pickfair, (home to Douglas Fairbanks Sr. and Mary Pickford) which grew from a $3,000 stable in 1911 to become a rambling, green-gabled melange of American Colonial styles, was said at one time to be the nation’s second-most famous residence–after the White House.

    Its loss was deemed unavoidable by contractors who said that, in essence, time had eaten away at the timbers of Pickfair.

    But the realities of termites and dry rot did little to soothe the wave of nostalgia some said they felt upon hearing of the structure’s demise.

    One frequent visitor was Douglas Fairbanks Jr., the actor’s son from a previous marriage, who remembers moonlight swims in the much-photographed kidney-shaped pool.

    “I regret it very much,” he said in a telephone interview Thursday from New York. “I wonder, if they were going to demolish it, why they bought it in the first place.”

    Phyllis Lerner, president of the Beverly Hills Historical Society, said: “I’ve got a funny feeling about it, because it’s no longer Pickfair to me. It really wasn’t a pretty house, but my God, the guest list!”

    Zadora and her husband bought the estate from L.A. Lakers owner Jerry Buss for $6.675 million in 1988. The couple reportedly plan to spend as much as another $5 million to build their tile-roofed palazzo, adding 2,754 square feet to the 13,421 square feet in the original floor plan.

    Remnants of the original Pickfair living room are to be incorporated into the new mansion as a tribute to the glories of the past, said Rob Myers, the couple’s general contractor.

    “Once we got into it, it was like cancer,” Myers said of the termites and rot that permeated the original woodwork. Workmen tied new lumber to the crumbling beams of the old living room earlier this week.

    “We kept cutting away at the bad stuff, trying to get at the good stuff until we got down to the foundation,” Myers said. “And the foundation didn’t have any steel in it, so we couldn’t build on that and we had to keep going.”

    “My father (Wallace Neff Sr., the original architect) would say, ‘Tear it down,’ ” Neff Jr. said (when asked to comment). In fact, his father wanted to tear it down in 1920, but his clients refused.

    “But I really am sorry to see it gone,” said Neff Jr. “I think it was maybe one of the most important homes of all the movie stars.”

    ~LA Times 4/20/90

    That last thought might very well have been said of Flynn’s too…

    • shangheinz

      The Real Person!

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      October 21, 2021 at 2:54 pm


      Beauty, King Karl, lies in the eye of the…lo and behold Mulholland Farm could easily have been constructed in the style of a Spanish Harlem Hacienda.