Author Thomas McNulty Rides Again!

09 Jul

Now and then we do Promos for our members who have provided great content on The Errol Flynn Blog, noted author Thomas McNulty is certain one of them …

He writes:

“Airship 27 Books have just released vol. 5 of their popular Bass Reeves anthologies. I have a 15k story in this one called “The Ballad of the Tumbleweed Outlaw” and I think it’s pretty good. Still available from the Airship on Amazon is vol. 3 of their Masked Rider series and I have a story in that one, too. Not to forget that Airship published my novel, “The Adventures of Captain Graves” which remains one of my best-selling titles. Next month, Linford Western Library in the UK will release my 6th Western for Hale/Crowood in large print, “Ambush at Skyline Ranch.” Suddenly I’m retroactively busy while I pound out a backlog for the year’s remainder. I have no clue when I’ll publish next so I’m just keeping busy. Anyway, I seldom promote myself so please log into Amazon and try BASS REEVES vol. 5 and then post a review. All the stories are great. I’m in good company here. Thank you!”

Thanks, Tom!

— David DeWitt

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