You Can‘t Curry Love

26 Aug

Dear Flynnstones,

when Errol chose to make Rudyard Kipling’s KIM in India instead of KING SOLOMON‘S MINES in Africa, it was a heart over head decision.
In consequence of this costly career move, Flynn sipped his spicey tea in true British fashion- with a stiff upper lip. Empire losing England in turn gained a star in the bargain:…



— shangheinz


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  1. Joanna

    August 26, 2022 at 1:52 pm

    I just watched this movie a few nights, ago. It is a classic! The picture is one of my favorites. I remember reading that KSM was a career boost for another actor. No matter. Kim is a picture you can enjoy in any generation. Adults as well as children will find this movie educational at any age. I learned much watching it. Wonderful!

  2. cheguevara101

    August 27, 2022 at 10:18 pm

    I love it too.

  3. robjack

    August 28, 2022 at 6:09 am

    Thanks again for another rare photo. I’ve always thought the circumstances around Errol’s decision to take up the option of Kim rather than King Solomon’s Mines, deserves greater scrutiny. There are perhaps some ‘myths’ around this. Although KSM’s was a big financial success for MGM, so was Kim – it was Errol’s highest grossing movie since San Antonio in 1945, and was ranked by Variety as the 11th highest grossing movie of the year. Still below the box office tally of KSM’s for sure, but hardly a disgrace. Sometimes it is written up as if it was a flop, or only a ‘mild’ success