Our great friend Jan van der Vliet shows us his bookshelf today and asks What Errol Flynn books have you read?
Thanks, Jan …
— David DeWitt
Our great friend Jan van der Vliet shows us his bookshelf today and asks What Errol Flynn books have you read?
Thanks, Jan …
— David DeWitt
Posted in Books about Flynn, Collectibles, Flynn-related, Mail Bag
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Ralph Schiller
January 11, 2023 at 6:26 pm
The first book for any Errol Flynn fan is “The Complete Films Of Errol Flynn” by Tony Thomas Rudy Behlmer, and Clifford McCarty to see his entire body of work in motion pictures. Then Errol’s own autobiography “My Wicked, Wicked Ways”. After that, one must read his ghostwriter’s superb book “Errol Flynn: A Memoir” by Earl Conrad. Follow ups are Flynn’s other books “Beams End” and his under-rated action novel “Showdown”. For more pieces of the Flynn puzzle get Earl Conrad’s novel “Crane Eden”, and “Errol Flynn Slept Here” by Robert Matzen and Mike Mazzone. Then top it off with a complete overview of his life and career with the unique “Errol Flynn: An Illustrated Chronology” by Robert Florczak. The rest are up to you.
January 17, 2023 at 7:08 pm
Ralph, I remember you suggesting me CRANE EDEN and must say it was a revelation. Earl Conrad put everything he couldn‘t write into MWWW into A MEMOIR and then put everything he didn‘t dare to write into A MEMOIR into CRANE EDEN. A great read for every true Flynnmate. I personally like also the Buster Wiles book and Peter Valenti‘s A Bio- Bibliography.
January 12, 2023 at 1:23 am
And somewhere in that venerable mix (and most conspicuous in Jan’s bookshelf photograph) ought to be listed that MOST venerable of all Flynn tomes: “The Green Book”…
Errol Flynn: The Life and Career
By Thomas McNulty
In other words- as Karl Malden of the old American Express commercial fame used to say:
“Don’t leave home without it!”
Ralph Schiller
January 12, 2023 at 6:35 pm
Karl is correct, “Errol Flynn: The Life And Career” by Thomas McNulty is a glaring omission on my part and belongs on that shelf with the rest.
January 17, 2023 at 7:16 pm
Korrectamundo Karl, Tom McNulty‘s book is the Old Testament on our man Flynn. Unfortunately nowadays no more comments on Errol, but only gunsmoke comes out of Camp McNulty.
January 23, 2023 at 2:38 pm
And MONUMENTALLY so… check out what he’s been up to- and not just as an author… SINCE 2004!
January 23, 2023 at 9:10 pm
Amongst Flynnmate authors, Tom McNulty and Steve Hayes are incredibly prolific. Very much like to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid they come out…writing.