Mail Bag! Errol Flynn’s Hobart with Ross Schnioffsky! Part 5

06 Jul
Back to Errol Flynn
Sorry for the delay folks, I got caught up with other projects.
Day Two (Part 4) of my Errol Flynn/Hobart Adventure – 10 Darcy St, South Hobart
From 1914 to 1916 the Flynns lived here. After the “you show me yours” episode in the back yard with the little girl next door the seven year old Errol got into heaps of trouble and consequently ran away. His mother wrote, “We suffered agonies of anxiety for days and nights. He was found miles away where he went and offered himself for work at a dairy farm. He only asked five shillings a week for wages, saying that would do him as he never intended to marry.”


— David DeWitt


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